IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Masters IIDCA

Martín Fumero Gauna

Director Cycling MVD

Martín Fumero Gauna has a degree in Physical Education, and an indoor cycling trainer, as well as being the Director and founder of Cycling MVD, a Uruguayan training company in the entire area of ​​indoor cycling. In addition, he has been appointed IIDCA Ambassador for Uruguay

Martín has participated in numerous events inside and outside Uruguay, both as a student and as a speaker. Since 2013, he has been a speaker at numerous trainings and continuous training, also creating his own methodology with scientific support to train people about the benefits of well-applied activity in different pathologies.

 With a 360° professional vision in his specialty, he offers technical advice on setting up stationary cycling centers as well as technical support for equipment for assembly and maintenance of rooms.

  As of 2022, Martín is developing an expansion plan for his school, using IIDCA as his educational platform.