IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA

What is the function of an IIDCA embassy?

      IIDCA embassies are virtual spaces for joint work between leading professionals in a country in order to promote the performance of schools, companies and programs.

   The members of an embassy can be professionals in medicine, kinesiology or physiatry, physical education or sports science, as well as referents from the world of Fitness and Wellness, as well as lawyers specialising in sports or related.     

    A country that has an IIDCA embassy can generate official events, educational or organizational proposals, as well as be the logistical support of other professionals. Professionals are evaluated on their performance, dedication, and commitment. Managers must have a vision of change and growth, and they can be removed for their inaction or for damaging IIDCA's image due to their incorrect behavior.

   An embassy provides links from your country abroad or to professionals who want to conduct business, train or travel to your country. Ambassadors, delegates, and coordinators are professionals who, in a supportive and honorary manner, advise peers, promote good practices and customs, as well as help to materialize proposals as national leaders.

   Being part of the IIDCA Embassy network fosters the connection of the sector between different parties around the world, working together for a sector with higher quality standards and in favor of a better quality of life for diverse citizens.