IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA

Move for life

IIDCA Manifesto

The International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences develops a manifesto of commitment to quality and healthy lifestyle.

Citamos a continuación los puntos con los que se manifiesta:

  • We know that movement generates well-being and happiness. That is why in the face of a sedentary lifestyle we work for a society in motion.
  • We understand that well-being and personal happiness are possible from respect for the other. We believe in the human being above all so our activity will respect life and human dignity as a fundamental principle.
  • We assume the commitment to work for a society in motion from the respect for our natural environment.
  • Physical activity, physical exercise or sport are fields that can be approached from a humanitarian perspective. In this configuration we want to dive from physical activity, physical exercise or sport create links between peoples and people.
  • Finally, we are aware of the need for study and research to develop physical exercise protocols. That is why our effort and support will always be consonant with scientific criteria.