IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


Courses Schools

Formación Técnicas Hipopresivas Violeta Goncalves

Violeta Goncalves

The bodily learnings that run through our lives give us

tools to be able to become aware of our body, this knowledge is

transmitted and explored from the time we are children, these will be

experiences that we will later make our own and will help us to have a more beautiful body.

available, more present and more caring.

We invite professionals in the area of exercise and health

Our purpose through this certification is to enhance the value of the content in the approach to body and postural awareness within the classes both at the level of in adolescents and/or adults, thus providing tools that can generate innovative interventions on the subject and to be able to bring these practices to their areas of concern.

Our objectives are:

• That professionals incorporate knowledge about the integration of

Body and postural awareness

• That professionals can glimpse the influence of neurosciences and

Its importance in the postural approach

• That they can develop an integrative approach to their

Body posture planning.

• To develop the habit of observation within their professional practices

and what indicators should be addressed in body posture.

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