IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


      The Educational System on which IIDECA is based is based on the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the European Community of the 8 academic levels in each sector. With regard to physical activity and well-being, we demonstrate the importance of university training supported by non-formal education for work provided by the fintess and wellness industry as an important driver of specialization that provides a quick and effective job opportunity, something that is crucial in Latin America.

 At IIDCA, as a benchmark for the world in Latin America, we work hard to set standards in Spanish from Argentina to Mexico, with the sole purpose of contributing to the wellness industry and the role of physical activity professionals so that they can consume quality and regulated education, valuing professional and academic interaction.

   In this table, we can appreciate the importance of both the completion of schooling and the role of a doctor, a kinesiologist, a physiotherapist, a specialist in Sports Science and a Physical Education Teacher.

     At IIDCA, we seek professionalization, interaction, labor and economic promotion, as well as supporting entrepreneurs and working for quality preventive health.

   The standards we have set go hand in hand with the rest of the world, seeking continental accreditation, with the sole purpose of promoting educational portability and professional excellence from Latin America to the world.