IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


Courses Schools

IDEHA: International Hypopressive Method Certification


This course certifies you as an Instructor of Hypopressive Exercises. It will give you the theoretical and practical tools to teach students or patients, within the area of ​​health, therapy, sports and fitness.

You will learn to teach the hypopressive technique step by step, and evaluate your students to objectively measure their results (urinary incontinence, waist circumference, postural pattern, flexibility, diaphragm, etc.)

Contact group forever, once the course is over.

HOUR LOAD: 45 Hours

Modality: Face-to-face / Online

Languages ​​in which you can teach and/or sell your course: Spanish

List Countries in which you usually give face-to-face training: Spain, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay

Complete agenda:

Origin and application of Hypopressive Techniques

Definition and benefits of Hypopressive Exercises (HE)

Anatomo-physiology related to EH

Pelvi-perineal biomechanics to effort.

Pathophysiology and risk factors.

Initial tests and continuous evaluation.

Scientific and clinical evidence

Prevention and Treatment of abdominal-perineal dysfunctions: urinary, fecal and gas incontinence, vaginal prolapses.

Postpartum recovery.

Pedagogy of Basic Static Hypopressive Exercises.

Methodological progressions for learning and Corrections of static EH.

Learning and practice of Static Hypopressive Exercises.

Formats for implementation in Gyms, Offices, Studios, etc.