IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


Courses Schools

Certificación de Ejercicio para el Suelo Pélvico

Violeta Goncalves

Our pelvic floor is integrated into the abdominal girdle, the diaphragm and the posterior musculature (multifids), called the abdominolumbopelvic complex or CALP, which acts as a box with spaces of internal pressures, where the pelvic floor is its inferior closure.

The functionality of this zone (CALP) is crucial for better management of walking, running, lifting a weight, even when standing.

Understanding the importance of the pelvic floor, its integration, and how it influences exercises, workouts and daily life, is very important as a professional in both the area of physical exercise and health.

With this knowledge, we will not only make our exercises safer, more effective, and with better performance, but also that they can be easily carried out in everyday life.

We invite professors and instructors from different disciplines as well as those who develop in the area of health to this New Certification in Exercise and Pelvic Floor.

Its objectives are:

· Deepen concepts and provide tools to address a comprehensive view of the pelvic floor within exercise in their practices.

Develop interventions with a perspective of care, and awareness of the interventions conducive to healthy management, applicable within the area in which the professionals work.

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