IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA


Mohamed Bekoulal

IIDCA Ambassador Morocco

Mohamed Bekoulal is a trilingual fitness professional and industry leader in Morocco and Africa. In addition to being the IIDCA Ambassador for Morocco, he is the General Director of DYNAMIC SPORTS EVENTS, promoter of Musclemania®️ Morocco, President of the African Registry of Fitness Trainers, representative of the European Council of Fitness Trainers in Africa and Morocco 2020, and representative of the IFBB International "Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness Academy in Morocco".

His outstanding training is a vital contribution to Morocco, and to connecting Africa with the world and especially with Latin America through IIDCA. Mohamed holds a Master's degree in Sports Science from Cardiff European College in the United Kingdom, a Master's degree in Bodybuilding and Fitness  from the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness as a basic training, but he also has various international trainings in management, personal trainer, group fitness focused on dancefitness and especially with African rhythms.

Bekoulal has an outstanding career in the world of mass events in the African and Arab world, in countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia, sports coach in important institutions and performances as a physical trainer.