IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Masters IIDCA

Carlos Barbado

CEO Barbados Cycling

Carlos Barbado is a PhD in Physical Activity and Health and a university professor, having taught subjects related to cycling and fitness for more than 10 years. In addition, he is also a professor in other prestigious University Masters related to training, fitness and cycling.

He is passionate about cycling, having competed in Road Cycling since childhood, obtaining good results in lower categories and practicing Mountain Bike from that age to the present.

He was a pioneer, in the field of Indoor Cycling, at the beginning of the 2000s when he was Director of Training of the Spanish Aerobics Federation, developing a complete training program for Indoor Cycling, writing two books, one of them together with Doctor David Barranco, and giving a large number of training courses in all corners of Spain and other countries, taking Indoor Cycling to Colombia, Venezuela, Portugal, Romania or Israel. At that time he also developed different fitness programs, personal training and directed classes.

Already in 2010, he became part of the Tomahawk company, where he led the Training Department and wrote the first "Power Training" manuals. At that time, directed by Doctor López-Chicharro, he completed his Doctoral Thesis, which was the first Thesis that dealt with the subject of Indoor Cycling. In addition, at the European University, he was director of the GH Sports Research Chair, the first specific research group in this discipline. As a result of these investigations, different scientific studies were published that have served to develop this activity with rigor and criteria. At that time, he presented his studies at various Scientific Congresses, with other colleagues such as Javier González, and had the opportunity to teach at some events of great international importance such as the Evo Ride in Germany or the Pedaleando Non Topo in Brazil.

In 2016, he decided to go his own way by starting Barbado Cycling. It is an Organization that aims to develop, promote and promote quality Indoor Cycling, based on knowledge and good practice. In addition, Barbado Cycling also has an Outdoor area that aims to instill healthy lifestyle habits in the population through the practice of cycling and MTB, organizing events and experiences so that the user becomes loyal to the practice of these disciplines.

Finally, Barbado Cycling also intends to connect the world of Fitness with sports practice, integrating these elements in search of a good state of health and physical condition of the athlete.