IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

IIDCA supports the New Health 2022 project for healthy living 

  29/03/2022 20:56 Noticias

IIDCA has become an International Partner of the Netherlands Foundation New Health. In the following note, we share more information about the project.


The proportion of physical inactivity of the citizens of the European Union remains unacceptably high. 42% of its citizens do not exercise or practice any sport (2017). This could indicate that the message about the importance of sport and physical activity for people's health and well-being has not yet reached significant segments of the union's population. More and more Europeans are consuming unhealthy food and suffering from chronic stress.  In the last 50-70 years, our previous generations have not had the opportunity to learn about the guidelines in health and prevention that we now have through studies and research. Now is the time to update ourselves, not only users or the consumer, but especially professionals who work with users and clients in the field of health, sports and lifestyle development.

Healthy lifestyle as medicine for Europe

The goal of the New Health Program 'Lifestyle as medicine' is to provide sports organizations, professionals, volunteers and users, the knowledge and tools easy to obtain, to improve the practice of physical activity, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle and mental health. We will develop standards that educate people to acquire a healthy lifestyle, through expert doctors, a free online platform and a specific e-learning course on healthy lifestyle. We will also conduct research on the role and impact of "Lifestyle as Medicine" on behavior change of target groups.

We use WHO international guidelines and the latest Life Style Medicine research, including this information in an easy-to-use online knowledge and learning platform, to develop a healthier life.  The "Lifestyle is Medicine" advisor can be a sports professional, a health professional, a teacher, but also a community worker, a member of a sports organization or a volunteer. New Health provides knowledge and motivation towards healthy eating, sport, risks to unhealthy living and the use of doping.

We will create and support a European network that promotes a healthy lifestyle as medicine. In this way, we want to guarantee the knowledge provided by the WHO and the Health Council on physical exercise and healthy eating, but also the knowledge about positive health and behavioural changes, so that they are known and applied in all neighbourhoods of Europe.

Project coordinator, partners and panel of experts:

Project Coordinator:

New Health Foundation: Netherlands

Main Partners

Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM): Portugal
    Europe Active: Belgium
    Lithuanian Association of Health and Fitness Clubs: Lithuania
    Fitness Federation: Belgium
    European Association for Sport, Exercise and Health (AEDESA): Spain
    Comenius University (Faculty of Physical Education and Sports): Slovakia

Panel of Experts

European Network of Sport Education (ENSE): Austria
    Movisie: Netherlands
    Knowledge Center Sports Netherlands (KCSportNL): Países Bajos
    NL Active: Netherlands
    Jan Middelkamp: Netherlands
This programme is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Project information: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus


New Health Foundation
Houtstraat 14
6001 SJ Weert (Netherlands)
+31 (0)495-533229





Instituto Internacional del Deporte y las Ciencias Aplicadas