IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


personal trainer

Personal Trainer

IIDCA Official Career

Promo Launch until March 20th (30% OFF OFFER)

START APRIL 14, 2024 (Teacher-Assisted Classes every Sunday)

Language: SPANISH

Modality: Online


- Asistido por un capacitador (GLH) 80hs 

- Autoaprendizaje (SS/A) 170hs

- Base de Anatomía y Biomecánica (SS/A) 200hs 

Professional Occupation

A personal trainer's job is to guide clients (in individual and small group settings) toward their health and fitness goals by developing and delivering creative solutions, individualized exercise programs, and instruction, also offering nutritional counseling, and managing their overall lifestyle.

Personal trainers will assess each client's needs, modify and adapt advice to encourage clients to modify their behavior for the better, as well as improve their overall well-being by offering specialized and personalized advice within the parameters of their area of expertise.

They will need to know when to refer patients to specialists (such as physical therapists, registered dietitians, and medical professionals) for information and guidance. They will learn to attract customers, business, sales and marketing knowledge. They may be employees of gyms, clubs, or work independently.


Modality: Online