IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Sports tourism as an economic engine in El Salvador 

  02/11/2023 20:26 Noticias

After years of being the most insecure country in the world, El Salvador began a global reform with security at its core through the president with the best positive image in the world: Nayib Bukele.

Among the different aspects of his country project, one of them was to promote tourism, something that is already surprising the world. Reducing insecurity to the point of becoming the safest country in Latin America and seeing all the opportunities that the country could offer to the world, Bukele focused on recovering its beaches for world surfing events and taking advantage of the natural beauties to generate a large number of jobs.

According to the Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador, by 2023 it projects revenues of 2,700 million dollars, causing for the next decade that 1 in 5 jobs will be due to tourism.

Among the main sports tourism activities that are a success in El Salvador are rafting, zip lining, buggies, mountain biking in Ecopark, diving, rappelling, hiking through the volcanoes and kayaking.

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Instituto Internacional del Deporte y las Ciencias Aplicadas