IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Singapore rewards the healthiest with money 

  11/02/2024 20:02 Noticias

   Singapore is an economic powerhouse in Asia, linked to quality of life and environmental protection. Like any powerful nation, it is not satisfied with occupying seventh place in the ranking of healthy habits, and that is why a few years ago it created a "HEALTH SCORING", where citizens are rewarded for doing physical activity, eating healthy, and constantly improving themselves.

  The National Steps Challenge is a fitness tracker-based fitness initiative that encourages Singaporeans to move more. By logging steps and minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, participants can earn daily rewards.

  The program rewards people for daily milestones for taking care of themselves and preventing future diseases, which is why the government benefits by saving on public health. The benefits are credited from the 5,000 steps to intense physical activity, with activity time being essential as well. In previous seasons, the government has given $30 tickets for meeting movement goals every day, with prizes for "quality sleep" recently added

  Scoring is achieved by linking watch apps and other devices with the program's APP. The requirements to participate are that they are Singaporeans or residents, as well as temporary foreigners. They must register on the platform and be over 17 years old.


  What do you think of this initiative by the Singapore government?



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