IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Iron: An essential mineral 

  02/04/2022 16:00 Noticias

Iron is a mineral that intervenes in various metabolic and enzymatic functions such as the transport of oxygen throughout our body, is part of the immune system and participates in the synthesis of our DNA, among many other functions.

Our body contains about 4mg of iron, of which a certain percentage (approximately 1mg) is lost daily due to cellular peeling of the skin, cells of the gastrointestinal tract and in women during their menstruation. Now, this percentage must be recovered with the diet, since iron is an essential nutrient for life, and since we can not manufacture it ourselves.

We must ingest it with our food.

We must also bear in mind that we do not have mechanisms of excretion of this mineral, so its excess accumulates in the body generating morbidities.

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Instituto Internacional del Deporte y las Ciencias Aplicadas