IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Healthy Habits: The Panacea in Singapore. 

  14/11/2023 23:47 Noticias

Healthy Habits: The Panacea in Singapore.

Singapore has a world-class healthcare system, in which low costs and an excellent quality of service coexist, it has been ranked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the best in Asia, ahead of Hong Kong and Japan.

With a public health cost of 33%, world-class services, low-cost, high-quality public and private health care that allows no one to be left without coverage and with subsidized plans so that 100% of Singaporeans have quality services.

Although it is one of the world's leading emerging economies, the vision is set on offering citizens prevention and cure of the highest level to residents and foreigners, the latter of whom are an engine in the national economy.

In Singapore, the Health Promotion Board encourages a holistic approach to living a healthy lifestyle. Some of the healthy practices promoted include:

Physical activity: Various programs that invite you to have fun and always be active

Healthy eating: Encourage natural, unprocessed foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.

Mental Well-being: Taking care of the mental well-being of the population, promoting activities to reduce stress and motivating them to combine it with physical activity and nutrition.

Under these three fundamental pillars, Singapore managed to reduce its public health costs and improve the quality of life of its citizens.



Instituto Internacional del Deporte y las Ciencias Aplicadas