IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

France launched a Comprehensive Healthy Habits Plan 

  07/03/2024 15:09 Noticias

President Macron has launched the "France 2030 Plan", with an investment of 54 billion Euros, with the aim of unifying an Agrarian Revolution project based on technification, the implementation and promotion of healthy food consumption and physical activity; thus achieving a healthier and more productive population.

Macron's plan is to continue promoting agriculture, the industrialization of the sector from small producers, to promoting sustainable and organic production. It has also launched a National Nutrition and Health Plan (PNNS), Dietary Guidelines for Citizens, and the promotion of healthy regional foods.

To promote physical activity, the Government launched the "PASS Sport", promoting and/or subsidizing children's sports practice with 270 million Euros in training schools. On the other hand, it is supported by the WHO Physical Activity Campaigns 2018-2030 and the "Active" technical interventions, where the population is encouraged to move.

France's commitment against sedentary lifestyles and healthy habits starts from an economic and agricultural boost from the production of healthier foods, training the population on which foods contribute to health and which are negative, as well as the practice of sports from children to encourage movement in adults.



Instituto Internacional del Deporte y las Ciencias Aplicadas