IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

How to understand your target audience? 

  19/04/2022 00:40

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Understanding who your target audience is, talking about the gestational world is one of the main keys to having a successful business. After all, if you don't know who your services are for, how will you effectively communicate and lead exercises?

Believe me: you need to find the best way to make them feel welcome and confident in your work.

By segmenting and knowing your audience, it is much easier to build loyalty, since you will know which are the most efficient strategies to offer what your client wants and is looking for. Do you want to know more about how to define your target audience? Check out some tips I prepared for you:

Segment your audience
One of the key steps to success is segmentation of the target audience, that is, dividing your customers into groups with similar needs, preferences and behaviors.
For example:
• Gestational age
•    Goal
• Type of delivery desired
• I practiced Pilates before
• Pains
• Pathologies

Do an analysis of your pregnant woman

Understanding the choices of your pregnant women is the point that most impacts your work. Therefore, include in the work of defining the target audience a study on specific exercises and type of delivery that she wants.

Knowing how your work can be useful in your pregnant woman's day-to-day life and knowing what is bothering her will bring more trust and loyalty to your audience.

Personalized content for your audience

It is useless to create a series of exercises and “pyrophagic” content or that do not make sense to them. This will only drive your client away from you and your space.

The point is to make this content and this class more personalized and attractive to your pregnant woman. That will generate results!

Finally, have a human treatment, understand and listen to the needs and complaints of any person with respect, cordiality and empathy.

Natalia Lima
Homeopath, acupuncturist and doula.




Instituto Internacional del Deporte y las Ciencias Aplicadas