IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


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T-Bow: Arco de entrenamiento multifuncional

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El T-BOW® is an original Swiss invention by Sandra Bonacina (physiotherapist and university fitness professor), developed with Viktor Denoth (university sports professor) since 1995, produced in Switzerland and tested at the University of Zurich (ETH/ASVZ Academic Sports Association Zurich).

El T-BOW® optimizes strength, endurance, flexibility and relaxation with a very fine postural adjustment in situations of balance and coordination.

Useful on both sides as step and rocker.

Stackable in very small space hygienically.

The arch allows a greater range of motion than a flat surface and supports the back anatomically and with stability.

In stable and unstable conditions, it precisely trains the deep stabilizing muscles of the back and all joints.

The postures and movements on the T-BOW® enable exercises from very easy, being applicable to all ages and fitness levels.

T-Band or T-BOW® elastic bands are fixed in a practical and safe way, offering various levels of resistance and multiple actions.

It is effectively combined with different fixed and mobile materials, such as dumbbells, kettlebells, bars, discs, ballasted balls, elastic bands-rubber bands, pikes, balls, etc.