IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


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KinesiOn is a sports kinesiology company, where its name is the acronym of the English words: Kinesiology and On. KinesiOn is a company dedicated to the prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries, through Kinephylaxis and Kinesiotherapy, respectively.

Mission: to be a company that inspires the community to improve the quality of life through education and physical activity and rehabilitation through the application of the best methodology and the continuous renewal of knowledge.

Visión: Ser referentes en educación y promoción de la actividad física a nivel nacional y regional, llegar a toda la comunidad a través de la inclusión y ser reconocidos por los valores que nos identifican como empresa.

Values: integration, inclusion, education, trust, innovation, teamwork.

In addition to offering therapeutic services, we also provide services of:
●    Technical consulting for the general public and for professionals.
●    Pre and post competitive kinesiology assistance for sporting events.
●    Educational workshops and seminars on ergonomics, injury prevention and promotion of physical activity, injuries and rehabilitation of athletes to their discipline, fall prevention and functional rehabilitation for older adults.
●    Therapeutic assistance in residential homes for the elderly.

Since its foundation, KinesiOn has been integrating companies that support the project through different inter-company relationships, as well as other health professionals in the areas of Psychology and Medicine.