IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA


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Juan Mansilla

Institutional Relations

  Juan Mansilla is in charge of Institutional Relations at IIDCA. Mansilla is Argentine, and has a long career in the public sector. For years he has worked in the area of administration of Banco Nación, was an official of the Ministry of Social Development, official of the Municipality of Lomas de Zamora in the Province of Buenos Aires, Manager of the Cooperative of Argentine Porters. He has played a key role in founding mutuals and other cooperatives because of his fervent belief that anything is possible together.

  Among so many fundamental roles in terms of employability, he has participated in the founding of Federations of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as founding the Chamber of Commerce of La Salada and founded a football school in the area for the development of a healthy life for the most unprotected. In the sports area too, but in his youth, he has played in the lower ranks of Temperley, Los Andes, El Porvenir.

  Currently, Juan Mansilla is Secretary of the mutual of the construction union of Sitraic and is currently a member of the Federation of Bolivian Civil Associations "FABOL".  In FABOL which is a Federation of Bolivian colletevity of civil entities, Coopertives, cultural centers and sports centers.  His role within FABOL is the representation of institutional relations.

  • person
    Juan Mansilla
  • place
    Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina